

Memro can do many things

What can Memro do?

Memro can search and define information by a number of code types these include:

• Work type – define the works into Measured, Instructed, Variation, Dayworks, Standing and Non-productive.

• Activity Code – establishes general construction headings such a Earthworks, Drainage, Brickwork etc.

• Operation Code – provides a site allocation either by area or requirement – e.g. Bridge 1, Mainline, 1st Fix, Foundation, 2nd Fix etc. This is user defined and can be as precise as needed.

With the addition of VO codes; depending on system level procured; you can search out the resources used on the changes and track the impact those have on the planned works (resource analysis as well as direct cost impact).

The analytics can also be used via the dashboard to demonstrate over a user defined period the resource and cost usage to present the impact that changes have on the planned works. The extract from our demo site shows that the labour usage and cost percentages for a month is reflected not only in the direct impact of delays or change but the financial impact as well. It demonstrates that the impact on time is not the same as cost. This data can be run weekly so that the Project Team can analyse the data based on recorded resources.

Project Manager

Memro provides analytics to assist the Project Manager with information on the works and resource being utilised against pre-defined categories. This enables the Project Manager to review against planned versus actual progress and make informed decisions on where potential issues occur.


With the correct inputs and the reconciliation functionality the Finance team can track deliveries and suppliers costs based upon Project Specific costs. A facility to track owned and hired plant is also available. Materials can be allocated against the delivered and used to monitor wastage, and determine where improvements can be made with Cost Control.


With the correct inputs and the reconciliation functionality the Finance team can track deliveries and suppliers costs based upon Project Specific costs. A facility to track owned and hired plant is also available. Materials can be allocated against the delivered and used to monitor wastage, and determine where improvements can be made with Cost Control.

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